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Texas Abortion Ban Upheld By State Supreme Court

Texas Abortion Ban Upheld by State Supreme Court

Court Rules Against Abortion Providers in Landmark Case

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — The Texas Supreme Court on Friday morning upheld the state's near-total abortion ban, a landmark decision that could reverberate throughout the country in the post-Roe era.

The court's ruling came in a closely watched case that challenged the constitutionality of the law, which prohibits abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. The law was enacted in 2021, just months after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the landmark ruling that had legalized abortion nationwide for nearly 50 years.

The Texas law has been a lightning rod for controversy, with abortion rights advocates arguing that it is unconstitutional and that it has caused undue hardship for women seeking abortions. The state has defended the law, arguing that it is necessary to protect the unborn.

The Texas Supreme Court's ruling is a major victory for anti-abortion activists, but it is likely to face further challenges in federal court. The U.S. Department of Justice has already filed a lawsuit against the state, arguing that the law violates the U.S. Constitution.
